
Enochian chess pieces
Enochian chess pieces

enochian chess pieces

Herein is a great mystery of life, for His Thrones are not in the two active elements, seeing that these latter are his horse and chariot of transition in the passage from concealment into manifestation. And herein is a mystery of the Lord Aeshoori (Osiris) when enthroned between Isis and Nephthys, thus representing the beginning and end of the action of Him in who end and beginning is not, but rather concealment and then manifestation. Yet in his beginning of action is he at first a mute force, as though throned upon the water as in the end of his action he is a life manifested and throned upon the earth.

enochian chess pieces

The move of this piece is one square every way, and answereth to the action of the Spirit.Wherever it goeth, it commences and initiates a fresh current, whence it is represented by the motion of only one square in any direction and there staying for this purpose before moving onward.So that his action is not hurried, but represents a balanced movement. The correct application of the action of the Moveable images (representing the motion of The Ruling Angels over the Servient Squares) Is called The Play or Raying of the Chequers Of the Tablets. Note: This document is traced back to the early 1900's and while it does not contain the total information on Enochian Chess, including the verbal mouth to ear information, it is a value to those who wish to better understand the forces employed. Enochian Chess Enochian Chess - Official Ritual

Enochian chess pieces